There are about 500 different things I could talk about right now, but I think I can best sum it all up with the fact that I got a CRT television not too long ago! It's something I've wanted for a while, and it was something I wasn't gonna spend 80 bucks on either.
I got the TV at a yard sale a few weeks ago. They do this big yard sale day in my neighborhood during the late summer, and it's the first time I've ever gone. There it was, in all of its glory. It was at the first house we visited too. I think that's kind of funny. Sometimes things are just meant to be, you know?
Unfortunately, the CRT could only take in external sources if you had a remote or an RF Modulator, which I had neither. I was going to be moving into my apartment (!!!), so I just bought a modulator and a coaxial cable and had it shipped to my building. I also got one of those AV2HDMI adapters too, so I could connect my computer to it if I ever wanted to watch a movie or play a game that wasn't my SNES on that kind of display.
So far, everything works really well! I plugged in my SNES to test everything out, and it all looks and sounds great. The AV2HDMI adapter can make the quality of my picture a bit noisier that I would prefer, but I think it's also supposed to kind of look like that anyway. I grew up with a CRT, and I do have a vague memory of the picture quality being a little fuzzy.
In other news, to pass time while I await for classes to start and whatnot, I've been watching some movies and TV shows. I've been watching Seinfeld on DVD. I have almost all of the seasons, and it's a show I grew up watching, so it's been fun to reminisce. I also watched Golgo 13: The Professional . Easily the coolest animation I've seen in an anime film, it's kind of like a Japanese take on James Bond but somehow 10x more misogynistic. I also rewatched Scanners , which is such a silly, campy mess of a film that actually had a super cool concept. It's hard to call a Cronenberg film "campy", but this was before his arguably better films like "Videodrome" and "The Fly", so I think I can call it that.
I've gotten distracted 3 separate times trying to write all of this out. I've really been feeling disjointed recently. I think moving does that to you, unfortunately.
Anyway, I'm thinking of trying to find another game to play. I tried The Silver Case because I enjoyed Killer7 so much, but I played the first five minutes and thought I was going to throw up from motion sickness. Also trying to play it with a controller is awful. I've been replaying the remaster of Shin Megami Tensei III , but I think I need something that's going to not make me wanna rip my hair out. I've been listening to the OFF soundtrack, so maybe that's the move. I've played it a few times over the years, so I somewhat remember how the puzzles work.