Man, I miss my friends. Not even in a "woe is me" kinda way. I mean it in the kinda way that makes you appreciate having them in your life.
We created a groupchat a while back to send pictures of an afterparty I hosted, and it's now turned into a group of us talking about the dumbest shit imaginable. It's awesome. We've had some nights where we stream video games on Discord, or my one friend will randomly video call the rest of us. It's both funny and heartwarming to see.
I also miss my friend from home in a similar fashion. We don't always hang out often, but it's always a good time when we do. Especially the last time, we went to a local thrift store and found the weirdest DVDs, so we bought a few and watched them on my computer. She's really into film techniques too, so it was cool to hear her talk about something she's passionate in too.
I guess when I saw I miss my friends, I mean that I miss not being able to hang out with them in person. Especially now that undergrad is over and I'll be heading to grad school elsewhere, I'm not really going to see them in person that much, if at all. Some of them are still on-campus though, so if the timing's right maybe I can go visit or something.
I think doing virtual hangouts will be easier once we all have more concrete schedules and I get my apartment situation figured out. I know some of my friends actually live closeby (sort of) so maybe hangouts can happen in that capacity.
You never wanna lose something that means a lot to you, and this friend group definitely falls into that category. It's a shame I only really developed that group in my last year of undergrad. However, I''m sure we can make it work, and hopefully it can last for as long as it can.