It's finally a nice day. Granted, I'm too tired to go for a walk, but the fresh air blowing into my room is doing wonders for me already. I can smell the crispness of the slight chill, the mulch just drying out from being under the snow, there's even a faint of something cooking from one of the dining halls.

I went out with a friend of mine for some shopping/eating out. We've really become close this year, which is both nice and kinda sucky. Nice, because hanging out with likeminded people brings the average person joy. Sucky, because I'm graduating this semester and she has two years left. However, depending on where I end up for grad school we may still be able to see each other!

Speaking of grad school, I did get rejected from one already. I kind of expected it to happen, but it still sucked regardless. I should be hearing from a few others soon, which is nerve-wracking. It's kind of hard to be calm when your future rests in somebody else's hands. Not too long ago though, I did interview with one of them, and he said I had a pretty good shot of getting in, so that's something! I hope it actually leads to me being accepted.

I've been trying to use social media less. I genuinely feel the soul being sucked out of me whenever I go on anything. I feel tempted to just delete everything and go fully of the grid, though I kinda need some of it for career connections. It's just annoying.

Honestly, social media is what's making my current depression episode so bad I think. It's hard to really focus on things I need to get done, or engage with things that are both meaningful but also enjoyable. It's both the dopamine thing people love to talk about as well as the soul crushing realization that you're painfully average. You know, FOMO, looking cool. I claim that I don't care but I secretly do. I need to get better at blocking that nonsense out of my brain.

It's going to be a busy week. I got assigned a bit more homework than I usually get. It's maneagable, but still stressful. I also have a concert this weekend, which always eats up time and energy. I also need people to respond to my emails. Desparately.

Weather wise, the next couple of days look like they're going to be nice. I really need to go outside this week.